Practice a Pouring Ribbons Recipe at Home By Making This Daiquiri
We think a trip to Pouring Ribbons is essential for anyone serious about visiting a proper cocktail bar. From drinks inspired by America’s beloved Route 66 to the bar’s current “Legends and Icons” menu, the creativity that flows out of this prestigious joint is matched only by the booze that’s flowing through our veins. To whet your beak before tonight’s class, we’re sharing a recipe adapted from Pouring Ribbons master mixologist Joaquín Simó on one of our favorite classic cocktail stalwarts, the daiquiri. For this version, Simó adds fresh raspberries and pomegranate molasses to add some tartness to the daiquiri’s sweet reputation.
The Bomba Daiquiri (Adapted from Joaquín Simó)
1/2 ounce simple syrup
3/4 ounce fresh lime juice
2 ounces white rum
1 teaspoon pomegranate molasses
5 raspberries
A tray of Ice cubes
Steps You Need To Take To Turn This Into a Drink
In a cocktail shaker, use a muddler or back end of a spoon and press the raspberries down against the bottom of the shaker. You’ll know they are being muddled correctly by watching the juices pour out., but there should still be some thickness left after you’ve had your “Here’s Johnny” moment ala The Shining. Add ice, molasses, rum, lime juice, and simple syrup. Shake vigorously, or least until the shaker becomes so cold that you can’t hold it with your bare hand anymore without saying “Yow”. You’re going to want two strainers for this one, one over the cocktail and one over the glass to ensure no rogue pieces of raspberry mess up your pretty mixture. Pour the mix into a chilled coupe glass. Drink, preferably while reading a Hemingway novel.
Daiquiris might make you feel strong: Photo: Hemingway House/Facebook