In Case You Missed It: An Ode To Festivals, Socializing, and The Deer Rebellion
Between the first NY Times Food Festival, The Infatuation’s annual Eeeeeatscon, and New York Comic Con, this past weekend reminded us all that you don’t have to be a Phish fan to appreciate festival season. We know food festivals might not be for everyone, particularly those who don’t enjoy crowds, but we also read the reviews of the new Joker movie and realize it’s very important to socialize. That’s why we’re sharing a few of the highlights from the first real taste of Fall in the hopes you’ll share your own weekend bliss with all those you encounter. If that doesn’t cut it during coffee talk, we’ve also included a video of a deer jumping through a window. Time to discuss!
Uncle Boons & Shake Shack collaborated on this burger. Photo:@FoodBabyNY/Instagram
Eeeeeatscon 2019
The Infatuation’s Eeeeeatscon is an annual reminder that food festivals aren’t just about serving their regular old menu. This year, it was Uncle Boons and Shake Shack collaborating on a burger made with Thai bird chilis and a sunny side up egg to accompany Shake Shack’s top secret beef patty mix. But it’s the mix of talent, from one of Bon Appetit’s best new restaurant award winners in Kopitiam to a pop up wine room from London’s Noble Rot that makes Eeeeeatscon special. Forest Hills Stadium hasn’t seen an event bring so many different people together since The Beatles played the stage in 1964, and we’d like to think their green room was filled with the items we’re devouring here today.
Insa’s Spam Corn Dogs at NY Times Food Festival Photo: NY Times Cooking/Facebook
NY Times Food Festival
Joining well established food festivals on the same exact weekend no less is a bold move, but if you’re going to do it, you can afford to take chances. Actually we’re pretty sure The New York Times can afford to do anything given the line up of talent this past weekend which included Frenchette, Thomas Keller’s Tak Room, and a selection of Smorgasburg vendors. Taking over Bryant Park for two days, all reports from our friends on the ground here note the line up of food, cooking demos, and talks were well worth the price of admission. We have a feeling this festival will be a fixture for years to come - or at least until Bryant Park’s holiday market mafia raises the price of admission.
Didn’t go to a festival? Try Talking about This
Here’s what happens when you’re a deer running late to your hair appointment. Video: ABC7NY
The three best friends anyone can have. Photo: NY Comic Con/Facebook
We’re just gonna throw it out there and say the world would be a a worse place if it wasn’t for Comic Con. Not only does it give people a chance to unleash their best impressions, but stars like Paul Rudd, Tom Hiddleston, and Billy Dee Williams show up to interact with the fans that idolize them. There’s even cool art galleries like NYC and San Francisco’s Spoke Art that had a booth here should you be inclined to get that original drawing of the Night King you’ve been talking about. And if you’re just interested to find out what’s coming to TV or theatres, here’s the rundown. Watchmen dropped their first episode and the HBO series will help fill the void left by GoT; there’s a Jean-Luc Picard movie coming out for fans of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and there’s really no end in sight for The Walking Dead (although Maggie is returning this season!)
The face you make when your VIP pass cuts the line at a food festival Photo: Joker Movie/ Facebook