Weekend Vibes: Events Like The 5 Boro Pizza Challenge Is Why People Move to NYC
The final weekend of September is here which means come next week, Monster Mash will be playing on repeat because people still haven’t discovered the iconic 30 Rock sketch Werewolf Bar Mitzvah. If you’re not ready to fall into full Halloween mode, here’s a selection of our favorite non-seasonally inspired events to get you to your happy place.
The New York Film Festival, Lincoln Center, Friday through October 13
If New York City knighted people based on NYCishness, Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, and Joe Pesci would definitely make up half its round table (Sarah Jessica Parker, Patti Lupone, and the original Halal Guys would also have guaranteed seats). And while these legends of the Silver Screen may not have major hits in a while, we’re pretty convinced from the trailer that Martin Scorcese’s latest mob hit The Irishman is the movie we’ve been waiting for from these three. At the very least, we can see how far CGI technology has come along. The movie is set to kick off The New York Film Festival, which will show 29 feature films along with documentaries, shorts, and a live screenwriting class. Tickets can be reserved for select events here.
The 5 Boro Pizza Challenge is Here! Photo: 5 Boro Pizza Challenge/Instagram
5 Boro Pizza Challenge, Zuccotti Park to start followed by 5 secret locations, Saturday, 11 AM
There are people who like to eat pizza and then there are people who travel to five different boros to eat pizza in one day and then blog for two weeks straight about which pizza was best and why. This event is geared towards both groups as well as people who don’t like cars, since you’ll have to navigate the city without them. Participants must locate and eat five slices at five different pizzerias, and the winning team gets a medal and some pizza schwag. Plus eternal glory that might be turned into a movie one day like 300. Those interested in spending an entire day searching for pizza and possibly exploring a new neighborhood while doing so can register for the free event here.
The Global Citizens Festival returns this Saturday in Central Park. Photo: Global Citizen/Facebook
Global Citizens Festival, Central Park, The Great Lawn, Saturday, All Day
Most music festivals are about throwing a great party and sending everyone home happy. The Global Citizens Festival actually uses music and your attendance to incite commitments from world leaders to address climate change, poverty, deforestation, pollution, and a number of other social issues that might make you lose faith in humanity. This year’s line up includes Queen featuring Adam Lambert, French Montana, Alicia Keys, and Pharrell Williams among other stars of the stage. Though general admission is based on what social actions you’ve taken this year, VIP Tickets are still available and can be purchased here.